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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৫ জুলাই ২০২২

Stock Exchange International Investment Information Centers

After the listing of stock exchanges & related servers (organzied by geographic area) are the more general links to international investing, such as lists of ADRs, foreign market indexes and "The Economist's" websites. Following that is a list of brokerages which want your business in trading stocks internationally. List are links to a related topic -- offshore business and banking.

Some of these links do not access well or take a long time. Please be patient.


List of ADR's at Bank of New York site


Global Investor


The Economist Magazine

London's "Financial Times"

If you're in the USA, the USA Site may give you better access.

WorldVest Base, Inc.

WorldVest Base provides access to the scanned annual reports on about 15,000 non-US companies and has a large database containing their financial data. It is available to individuals and professionals who wish to subscribe.

Investor Shares

European investor resource.

Company Annual Reports Online

Provides links to online annual reports for companies in a number of countries.

Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development

Emerging Markets Companion .

Online magazine covering stocks, bonds, markets and more.

Internet Securities, Inc. .

Data for emerging markets specialists. Specializing in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia, especially Poland, (as well as Asia & So. America) this firm provides financial, market and industy information on-line.


Investor relations for a large number of Russian and Eastern European Companies

Intl. Trader

Global online brokerage for the individual investor. Worldwide real time quotes for clients. Much free global trading info. for non-clients, too.


Much information on stock and bond markets around the world.

Stock City

Aimed at the global individual investor.

Bloomberg World Equity Indices

Summarizes how world markets are doing.

International Financial Company

Calculates stock indexes on numerous emerging stock markets and sells the information via bulletin board, publications, and licensing agreement.

CorporateInformation.com by Wright Investors' Service -- Has over 20,000 companies' profiles and 18,000 research reports for US and foreign companies. Most in English, but some in other languages.

Perfect Information

Data on companies worldwide, especially in the UK, Asia, Australia and Australaisia.

IR Asia

Investor Relations for Asian companies.

Corporate Information

Organized by country, provides links to business sites giving info. on both private and public companies worldwide.

The World Bank

A popular site.

Global Penny Stocks


NOTE: In addition to the sites listed below, for banks in many countries look at our Banking and Credit Page.

Morgan Stanley Capital International - MSCI provides indexes for world markets, news, and more.

Global Money Consultants - an international law and investment consulting firm, specializing in international law, immigration and tax law.

Global Financial Data - Database covers over 80 countries.

INVESCO International investment management company.

Money Garden

NYC based Interbank currency exchange market clearing house. Your window into the Forex spot currency market.

CIA World Factbook

No data on securities, but lots of general information on countries worldwide.


Only a few companies are in this list. However, many additional ones are found above, in the Exchanges section, in cases where the brokerage is giving you informtion on stocks via the Internet.


For more links to banks, internationally, go to the WSC Banking and Credit Page.

Thales Securities (in Panama)

Interface Management Ltd.

Offshore Financial Center (menu in English, German, Spanish, French and Italian.

Offshore Investment Magazine

Offshore World

Cyber-Port for Offshore Business and Finance.

Northern Bank in the Isle of Man offers Offshore and Expatriate Services.

Anguilla - Offshore and Online

All About Belize

Guernsey Financial Services Commission

Jersey Financial Services Commission

