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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৯ জুলাই ২০২৩

বার্ষিক কর্মসম্পাদন চুক্তি - ঘটনাবলী


Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) has been awarded for securing 2nd position in evaluation of Annual Performance Agreement (APA) among the Non-Bank Financial Institutions. Honorable Secretary of Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance Mr. Sheikh Mohammad Salim Ullah handed over the crest and appreciation certificate to Mr. Abu Taher Mohammad Ahmedur Rahman, Deputy Managing Director of ICB.



Second Quarterly Meeting of Annual Performance Agreement (APA)

The Annual Performance Agreement (APA) 2019-20 between Financial Institutions Division of Ministry of Finance and Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) was signed by Senior Secretary of Financial Institutions Division Mr. Md. Ashadul Islam and Managing Director of ICB Kazi Sanaul Hoq on behalf of their respective institutions. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of ICB Professor Dr. Mojib Udddin Ahmed was also present on this occasion.

Signing between ICB and ICB Asset Management Company Limited (IAMCL)

Signing between ICB and ICB Capital Management Limited (ICML)

Signing between ICB and ICB Securities Trading Company Limited (ISTCL)

Signing between ICB and ICB Chattogram Branch

Signing between ICB and ICB Rajshahi Branch

Signing between ICB and ICB Khulna Branch

Signing between ICB and ICB Sylhet Branch

Signing between ICB and ICB Barishal Branch

Signing between ICB and ICB Bogura Branch

Signing between ICB and ICB Local Office